OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help

Changing Node-Techniques

As you add nodes to the graph and create your geometry, you may desire to change the technique of one or more nodes.

To change a node's technique, open the drop down menu that is located beneath the node's type name and follow steps as described in Switching Techniques ). Changing the technique of a node type changes the input requirements of the affected node.

For example, if a Point node's technique is changed from ByCartesianCoordinates to ByDistanceAlongCurve,

then the node will no longer need the inputs:
  • CoordinateSystem,
  • XTranslation,
  • YTranslation, and
  • ZTranslation;
the new technique would require:
  • Curve, and
  • DistanceAlongCurve .
Manually entered inputs and the wires that connect inputs with a technique will disappear when the technique is changed. If you choose to change a node to its original technique, all of the inputs for that technique will reappear.

Changing a node's technique can impact the geometry displayed in the view. If a node is used as a base input for other nodes and its technique is changed, then all of the preceding nodes may break; this would prevent their geometry from being displayed. Organizing your nodes in a logical manner can help you identify affected nodes soon after a technique change.